An overview of the IELTS and OET exams, including the format, scoring, and key differences between the two

Overview of IELTS & OET Exams in Kottayam: Key Differences & Format at Darsana Academy. For individuals aiming to study or work in English-speaking countries, IELTS and OET are two of the most recognized English language proficiency tests. Darsana Academy, located in the heart of Kottayam, offers comprehensive preparation for both exams with 20 years of experience in the field of coaching. Our team of experts has helped over 60,000 students achieve success with weekly mock test and latest study materials from official providers.

Overview of IELTS & OET Exams in Kottayam: Key Differences & Format at Darsana Academy.

For individuals aiming to study or work in English-speaking countries, IELTS and OET are two of the most recognized English language proficiency tests. Darsana Academy, located in the heart of Kottayam, offers comprehensive preparation for both exams with 20 years of experience in the field of coaching. Our team of experts has helped over 60,000 students achieve success with weekly mock test and latest study materials from official providers.

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) assesses language abilities for study or work in an English-speaking environment. The exam is divided into four sections: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The listening and reading modules evaluate a candidate’s understanding of spoken and written English, while the writing and speaking modules test their language use. IELTS is marked on a scale of 0 to 9, with 9 being the highest score.

OET (Occupational English Test), on the other hand, is a specialized English language test specifically designed for healthcare professionals. The exam tests language proficiency in a clinical context and includes four sections: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The reading section assesses a candidate’s understanding of written healthcare material, the writing section tests their ability to write letters or reports based on case studies, the listening section evaluates their understanding of spoken material, and the speaking section tests effective communication in a healthcare setting. OET is marked on a scale of A to E, with A being the highest score.

Darsana Academy, as a premium member of the OET Preparation Provider Program and 5-star rated partner of IELTS IDP, is equipped to provide students with the latest tools and techniques for success in the exams. Our research and development team ensure, that our course materials are up-to-date and comprehensive.

In conclusion, both IELTS and OET are valuable English language proficiency tests that can aid individuals in demonstrating their language skills and achieving their goals. Understanding the format, scoring, and key differences between the two exams is crucial in preparing for and achieving a successful result. Choose Darsana Academy, managed by CMI fathers, for a comprehensive and successful preparation journey.

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Darsana IELTS OET Academy
Address : KOTTAYAM

Darasana Academy
Darsana Educational Trust
Shastri Road, Kottayam,
Kerala, India 686 001

+91 828 1771 765, +91 944 7367 740

Address : PALA

Darsana Academy
Geothirbhavan Building
Chethimattam, Pala
Kerala, India 686575

+91 828 1771 769, +91 828 1771 766

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